fickle gods

Thriving on inconsistencies

Bunch of Stupid or Funny Animated GIFs

Animated GIFs are usually really annoying, continuously looping, low quality animations- but admittedly there are a few funny ones out there. To save you the trouble, I’ve brought a bunch together for you.

I don’t claim ownership over any of these. Nobody can. They have been circulating through forums by the immature and forwarded emails by the secondary-insecure who found a list like this here. (Not even I know what I meant by that last sentence, but it so well illustrates the point of animated GIFs!). Correct me if I’m wrong, but I think GIF stands for Graphics Interchange Format. See? You learned something today.

Feel free to post hateful comments toward animated GIFs below. On the other hand, if you actually enjoy them, you may also say so in the comments section.

Bunch of stupid or funny animated gifs Bunch of stupid or funny animated gifs Bunch of stupid or funny animated gifs Bunch of stupid or funny animated gifs Bunch of stupid or funny animated gifs Bunch of stupid or funny animated gifs Bunch of stupid or funny animated gifs Bunch of stupid or funny animated gifs Bunch of stupid or funny animated gifs Bunch of stupid or funny animated gifs Bunch of stupid or funny animated gifs Bunch of stupid or funny animated gifs Bunch of stupid or funny animated gifs Bunch of stupid or funny animated gifs Bunch of stupid or funny animated gifs Bunch of stupid or funny animated gifs Bunch of stupid or funny animated gifs Bunch of stupid or funny animated gifs Bunch of stupid or funny animated gifs Bunch of stupid or funny animated gifs Bunch of stupid or funny animated gifs Bunch of stupid or funny animated gifs Bunch of stupid or funny animated gifs Bunch of stupid or funny animated gifs Bunch of stupid or funny animated gifs Bunch of stupid or funny animated gifs Bunch of stupid or funny animated gifs Bunch of stupid or funny animated gifs Bunch of stupid or funny animated gifs Bunch of stupid or funny animated gifs Bunch of stupid or funny animated gifs Bunch of stupid or funny animated gifs Bunch of stupid or funny animated gifs Bunch of stupid or funny animated gifs
